Simple usage example

The example below uses the test dataset bundled with the hichipper package source code. Download the package, change to the test directory, and execute the basic working example with:

git clone
cd hichipper/tests
hichipper --out output1 yaml/one.yaml 

Here’s a more detailed description of what just happened. First, we had to create a sample description file that specifies how peaks are to be inferred (in this example, they are pre-specified from a ChIP-Seq experiment). Next, one must specify the location of a restriction fragment file. Finally, a path to the HiC-Pro output folder must be designated. These are encoded through the peaks, resfrags, and hicpro_output variables that will be parsed from the .yaml format.

  1. Create a sample description file:

Description files can be created with the .yaml format.

Processing .yaml format

Example yaml format sample description file:

 - chipseq/GM12878_SMC3_ChIPSeq_chr22.narrowPeak
 - resfrag/hg19_MboI_resfrag_chr22.bed.gz
 - hicpro

Note: This file is available as example.yaml in the hichipper/tests directory.

In this example, we call loops from two GM12878 samples using just chromosome 22 using pre-determined peaks from a ChIP-Seq file.

  1. Run the pipeline:

    hichipper --out output1 yaml/one.yaml 

Additional details concerning user configuration options are shown below.

More typical example

While the example above references files that are part of the hichipper distribution, our experience using this tool in conjunction with HiC-Pro suggests that a file hierarchy like the following may be more typical.

ls -LR

yields (a slightly modified version of)

bwt2  bwt2_global  bwt2_local

SRR3467175  SRR3467176  SRR3467177  SRR3467178

SRR3467175_1_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467175_2_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.bam
SRR3467175_1_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467175_2_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat*

SRR3467176_1_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467176_2_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.bam
SRR3467176_1_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467176_2_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat*

SRR3467177_1_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467177_2_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.bam
SRR3467177_1_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467177_2_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat*

SRR3467178_1_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467178_2_hg19.bwt2merged.bam  SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.bam
SRR3467178_1_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467178_2_hg19.mapstat         SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat*


SRR3467175  SRR3467176  SRR3467177  SRR3467178

SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.DEPairs*    SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.RSstat*   SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.SinglePairs*
SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.DumpPairs*  SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.SCPairs*  SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.validPairs*

SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.DEPairs*    SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.RSstat*   SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.SinglePairs*
SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.DumpPairs*  SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.SCPairs*  SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.validPairs*

SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.DEPairs*    SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.RSstat*   SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.SinglePairs*
SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.DumpPairs*  SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.SCPairs*  SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.validPairs*

SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.DEPairs*    SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.RSstat*   SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.SinglePairs*
SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.DumpPairs*  SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.SCPairs*  SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.validPairs*


where files denoted in with an asterisk* are assumed to exist. Typically, an analysis folder may look like so:

|-- SRR3467175
|  |-- SRR3467175_1.fastq.gz
|  |-- SRR3467175_2.fastq.gz
|-- SRR3467176
|  |-- SRR3467176_1.fastq.gz
|  |-- SRR3467176_2.fastq.gz
|-- SRR3467177
|  |-- SRR3467177_1.fastq.gz
|  |-- SRR3467177_2.fastq.gz
|-- SRR3467178
|  |-- SRR3467178_1.fastq.gz
|  |-- SRR3467178_2.fastq.gz
|-- bowtie_results/
|  |-- bwt2/
|  |  |-- SRR3467175
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat
|  |  |-- SRR3467176
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467176_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat
|  |  |-- SRR3467177
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467177_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat
|  |  |-- SRR3467178
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467178_hg19.bwt2pairs.pairstat
|-- hic_results/
|  |-- data/
|  |  |-- SRR3467175
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175*RSstat
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175*Pairs # 5 Files
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175_allValidPairs
|  |  |-- SRR3467176
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467176*RSstat
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467176*Pairs # 5 Files
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175_allValidPairs
|  |  |-- SRR3467177
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467177*RSstat
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467177*Pairs # 5 Files
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175_allValidPairs
|  |  |-- SRR3467178
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467178*RSstat
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467178*Pairs # 5 Files
|  |  |  |-- SRR3467175_allValidPairs
|-- one.yaml

where the results in the hicpro directory could have been obtained by running:

HiC-Pro -i fastq/ -o hicpro/ -c config-hicpro-mboi-ext12.txt -p

and subsequently executing the resulting and

Thus, the yaml/one.yaml file needed for hichipper when executed from the current working directory would look like this:

  - GM12878_SMC3_ChIPSeq.narrowPeak
  - hg19_MboI_resfrag.bed.gz
  - hicpro

And could be executed running this command:

hichipper --out GM12878 config.yaml

would yield the default output from hichipper.