
Per-run output files

Each time the user runs hichipper, a *.hichipper.log file containing information pertaining to the flow of the software execution is placed in the out directory (specified by the --out flag). Unless otherwise specified, a file ending in hichipper-qcReport.html provides an interactive quality control report for all samples.

Per-sample output files

Per sample, six (yes, 6, but don’t worry– there’s lots of redundancy) output files are created. They are:

  1. *.stat Key summary statistics that show the number of PETs meeting certain criteria
  2. *.inter.loop_counts.bedpe Interchromosomal looping between anchor loci.
  3. *.intra.loop_counts.bedpe Intrachromosomal looping between all anchor loci
  4. *.filt.intra.loop_counts.bedpe Intrachromosomal looping between anchor loci where loops meet min/max distance requirements.
  5. *interactions.all.mango The same set of loops as 4 but with per-loop FDR measures from the loop proximity bias correction algorithm originally implemented in Mango and presented in the same format.
  6. *.rds The same set of loops as 4 but in an R binary compressed format of a loops() S4 object from diffloop. Can immediately be imported for interactive visualization in DNAlandscapeR.

So, outputs 4, 5, and 6 are identical except in presentation. These data are a subset of those presented in 3. Interchromosomal interactions from 2 are often discarded by other preprocessing pipelines, but they may hold value. If the qcReport is generated, then the .stat file won’t tell you anything new. However, if R is not installed on your machine, this will be a useful file for assessing the quality of your library.